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Что и говорить, "с огоньком" подошли к вопросу популяризации технологии Blu-ray храбрые инженерные умы из компании Wicked Lasers. C их легкой руки в продажу поступила опытная партия лазерных указок по цене… в две тысячи "зеленых" каждая. В роли источника света в новинке под кодовым названием Sonar выступает тот самый голубой светодиод, что используется в приводах нового поколения оптических дисков. Если принять всерьез слова производителей о том, откуда они берут столь необычный осветительный прибор ("покупаем бытовой видеопроигрыватель Blu-ray, достаем из него светодиод и выбрасываем все остальное на свалку"), то вопросы по поводу цены игрушки отпадают начисто. Кстати, согласно заверениям производителей, корпус новинки изготовлен из алюминия "той самой" марки, что идет на постройку космических аппаратов. Хочется верить, что при производстве этой пробной партии лазерных указок для толстосумов ни один "шаттл" не пострадал. ДК
Нормальная штука Wicked Lasers' goal is to design and produce the most awesome affordable handheld lasers in the world, for both recreational and professional use. Our customers tell us we've achieved that. As the world's leading online retailer of handheld lasers, we employ the latest cutting edge technology, high quality components and real smart people to push the limits of conventional lasers. While we are most proud of our signature green, red and blue handheld lasers, which come in a range of strengths and sizes, our commitment to innovation means we are always introducing new products and accessories. Read more about us or find out about our Wicked Gear.
Green Lasers
So what are these lasers we're selling like hot cakes? In case you were wondering - Wicked Lasers' doesn't specialize in regular low power (5mW) presentation or key chain laser pointers. We sell some of the most powerful handheld laser products in the world. Our green lasers are so bright and powerful they can burn, slash and melt plastic or, if you are so inclined, light your cigarette. The green lasers create a beam you can see for miles in dark conditions. Think we're exaggerating? When people buy our lasers they are so proud of what their new gadgets can do, they can't help posting a video of their laser in action. Have a look at some of our videos in our member forum or go to green lasers to find out more.
Red Lasers
Red laser pointers have been called "ultimate" or "extreme" because they can point a dot 100 meters away. Some of our lasers, which are exactly the same size, can blast a laser beam over 100 miles. There's a reason why we call them "wicked."? Comparing our lasers to pointers is kind of like comparing a modern battleship to a "canoe" - more than an understatement. It's not a bad analogy though since we also sell our lasers to the military. Our high-powered laser product is actually the same device the US military uses to disorient and intimidate the enemy. Overkill? Maybe. Fun? Totally. Read more about red lasers.
Blue Lasers
Blue laser technonology is the most technically difficult to produce. For years scientists were trying to create a workable blue laser. Our Spyder II BX represents the pinnacle in laser evolution and also completes the basic tri-color range of red, green and blue. They come in a variety of finishes and power outputs and as a top-of-the-range product, blue lasers are on the ultimate wish list for the laser enthusiast. Read more about blue lasers.